Artificial Grass

Artificial Grass Installation Ideas for the Summer


artificial grass ft.lauderdale,flThinking of getting professional artificial grass installation this summer? You certainly have picked the right time of the year. That’s because artificial grass will save you money all summer long. Here are some fun ways to use it in your yard or lawn.

How Artificial Grass Saves You Money During the Summer

While an artificial grass will save you plenty of money all year long in a variety of ways, it’s most obvious during the summer. That’s because summer is peak sprinkler time. With rising temperatures and sweltering sunshine, it takes an immense amount of water to maintain a natural grass lawn. Of course that will be reflected in your water bill and that’s no fun. The good news is no water is needed to maintain a synthetic grass lawn, so your water bill will plummet if you’ve been watering your lawn every day.

Cool Uses of Artificial Grass

Here are some fun and practical ways to have artificial grass installed in your home:

  • Putting green – Bring the golf course to back yard and have an artificial grass putting green installed. Four!
  • Mud free poolside – It’s great to have a pool in your backyard. The only downside is all of the mud it creates. That all changes when you have artificial grass installed. No dirt, so no mud. This will totally reduce all of the mopping you need to take care of during the summer.
  • Little sporting field – Do your kids like to play football, soccer, or baseball? Artificial grass makes a perfect playing field for those types of sports. Artificial grass is extremely durable and can withstand a pummeling. Simply put, it doesn’t need to be replaced at the same rate that natural grass does.
  • Easy flower garden – When you have artificial grass installed around your flower garden you’ll have a lot less weeding to take care of because artificial grass naturally repels weeds.


How Synthetic Grass Saves You Money

artificial grass fort lauderdale Summer has arrived and for a lot of people that means it’s time to garden and get their yard looking beautiful. If you’re like most homeowners, then you know just how much money it costs to maintain natural grass. It does cost a lot of green to keep it looking green. The good news is that you can have synthetic grass professionally installed and save yourself a lot of money. What you do with that money is up to you. Read on to find why so many homeowners are making the switch to artificial grass yard and lawns.  You’ll be glad that you did when you see how much money you can save.

Forget About Needing a Landscaping Bill

Synthetic grass is artificial and therefore it doesn’t grow. It always stays the same and is the essence of perpetual springtime. It will always be green and lush and never overgrown. This means it needs no mowing, weeding, or special attention. So, if you have a landscaper taking care of your lawn, you won’t need it anymore. That’s one less bill you’ll need to take care of, because synthetic grass takes care of itself.

No More Trips to Home Depot

Natural grass needs fertilizer, insecticide, herbicides, weed killers and more just to look somewthat decent. That’s a lot of trips to Home Depot and a lot of money spent just to get your lawn to look good. If you would like your lawn to look nice and save a lot of money, than artificial grass is for you. It needs no weed killer, fertilizer, or anything else like that. It’ll look good every day without your help. Pretty nice, right?

Slash Your Water Bill

Watering your lawn is making your water bill very pricey indeed. After all you’re pouring buckets of water on it every day with our sprinkler and a lot of that water ends up on the sidewalk. So, if you want to reduce your water bill say good bye to natural grass and hello to synthetic grass. The difference will be clear in your water bill at the end of the month.

Why Synthetic Grass Is Easy to Take Care of

artificial grass deerfield beach, fl
Are you thinking of getting a new synthetic grass installation for your home or office building? If you tired of the near constant yard work that’s required to keep natural grass looking good, than artificial grass is a smart move for you and your family. Read on to find out why so many people are choosing artificial grass over traditional grass.

No Mowing Ever Needed

Artificial grass doesn’t grow so you never need to mow it. It’ll always be the same height and it’ll never become overgrown. This is great if you simply don’t have the time or budget to keep your grass looking well-kept. Since you won’t have to pay a landscaper to mow your grass or pay for gas for your lawnmower, you’ll certainly save money every month by having synthetic grass.

No Fertilizers or Insecticides

Synthetic grass doesn’t require fertilizers or insecticides, because it’s completely artificial. This is very important if you want to maintain a natural lawn, yard, or garden. When you consider how much fertilizer an insecticide you have to pour on your lawn to look green and pristine, it’s easy to realize that artificial grass is the obvious choice for an all natural lawn.

No Weeding to Do

Artificial grass is installed in such a way that weeds don’t grow in it. That’s good news for your lower back if you’re the one who needs to weed your lawn or yard every weekend. The great thing is this in’t done with weed killers. The way artificial grass is installed naturally repels weeds, no weed killer needed.

No Watering on Your To Do List

Synthetic grass never needs any water. Not even a drop of it. You can be in the middle of a drought, and you’ll still have a great looking lawn. No watering required. It’s really that easy.
If the advantages of artificial grass sound good to you, call us today to find out more information about an artificial grass installation.

How to Keep Your Lawn Looking Good with Synthetic Grass

How to keep your lawn looking as good as synthetic grass.

Have you ever noticed how perfect golf course grass is? It’s a truly wonderful thing. We can’t all get our lawns looking as amazing as a golf course however there are a few good tips that will help us achieve a really great looking lawn.
“Coarse stones and sand is then added before the mineral rich soil is added to the top.
Each green is planned as not to create any pools after watering or rains come. Plus the sophisticated ground below the soil ensures perfect drainage.
On top of the elaborate drainage setup fertiliser and pesticides are sprayed regularly to stop any weeds from developing in the grass and to keep the grass nice and healthy.”

Some tips you can use.

Tips to keep your grass looking as great as possible include; Use a push reel mower. Reel Mowers slice each blade of grass with precision much like cutting the grass with a pair of scissors. Not like traditional mowers that simply spin big heavy and rarely sharp blades at high speed.

Don’t cut the grass too short.

Short grass is prone to disease, environmental stress and insect infestations. The ideal cutting depth is always approximately 1/3 of the size of the blade of grass. This means that if you’ve left your grass for a month or two and it has become quite high it’s a good idea to just trim one third off the top and come back to it a week later and cut another third off.

Don’t over water!

For grass it’s actually better to give it lots of light watering rather than soaking or drowning the soil in water. Additionally it’s a good idea to choose the right strain of grass. Some grasses require more watering than others.

Reel mower alternatives.

Not many people have reel mowers these days, in fact it’s pretty hard to find them in the shops as well. While reel mowers are preferable that’s not to say you can’t use mechanical lawn mowers or ride on mowers.
Have you noticed how some lawns have a line pattern around the same width of the mower cut into them? This is not caused by different cutting depths (which is bad for your lawn) but by the sun reflecting on the blades of grass. When grass is bent in a certain direction it gives off different shades of green, generally the underside of the grass is a lighter green than the top.
To achieve this effect you need a mower attachment that drags behind the mower, also known as a guard. Some mowers come with these attachments however if your mower doesn’t or you have a grass catcher attached to the back of your mower there are some tricks you can do to mimic the attachment.
Able Mowing Brisbane Northside explains how golf courses get the immaculate manicured look we all desire in our lawns. “Golf greens have a plastic sheeting 30 to 40 cm (12-inch to 16-inch) below the surface. This sheeting completely covers the bottom and acts as the base of what is a pretty complicated drainage system.”
Using some plastic shade cloth or sheeting tape around a 40cm by 30cm piece to the back of your mower or grass catcher. Then roll (once) a cut piece of wooden dowel or broom handle to the end of the sheeting using staples to secure it. So long as this piece of dowel is dragging behind you can achieve the same look.

In Conclusion

Keeping all the above points in mind I have no doubt in my mind that you should be able to keep beautifully manicured lawns with ease. Let me know in the comments if you have any questions about the above points. If you’re not up for all of this landscape work, call us today to find out how easy it is to keep a synthetic lawn.

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